Open Panel List


Wholesale format represented by distributors that require buyers visit the wholesaler's facility, physically select their order, pay in cash (i.e., credit purchases not permitted), and then handle their own delivery (i.e., carry).

Odd-Even Pricing

5 based on 1 reviews
A type of psychological pricing where price is set based on customers' perception of a significant difference in cost between products priced at a whole number value and products priced slightly below this whole number.

Non-Store Retailers

Retailers selling to customers through means other than a physical outlet including online, direct marketing and vending.

Loyalty Programs

A form of sales promotion, used in both consumer and business markets, that offers customers rewards, such as price discounts and free products, based on purchase frequency or other activity.

Former Customers

Consists of those who have formerly had relations with the marketing organization, typically through a previous purchase, but have not purchased from the marketer within a certain timeframe.

Customer Service

Activities used by the marketer to support the purchaser's experience with a product such as training, repair and complaint resolution.

Catalog Retailers

Retail format represented by retailers that provide product information to customers within a mailed catalog or website, and allow customers to place orders via phone, through regular mail or online, and then deliver orders via a third-party shipper.

Store-Based Retailers (also Brick-and-Mortar Retailers)

Retailers selling to customers through physical retail outlets.


Key component of the marketer's toolkit that represents decisions on the methods (e.g., advertising, personal selling, public relations) and strategies needed to communicate with a target market.

Observational Research

Method of data collection, often associated with Qualitative Research, that watches customers as they perform activities either in a laboratory or in a natural setting (e.g., shopping in a retail store, using products at home).

Major New Purchase Decision

Type of consumer purchase decision considered to be the most difficult since these are important to the consumer but the consumer has little or no previous experience making these decisions.


Retail format represented by a contractual arrangement in which franchisees (i.e., retail store operator) agree to pay for the right to use a franchisor's (i.e., retail business owner) business methods and other business aspects such as the franchise name.

Category Killers

Retail format represented by retail chains that have taken what were previously small, narrowly focused specialty stores and expanded these to create large specialty stores.

Straight Re-Purchase

A type of business purchase decision that involves routine order placement that often leads to buyers buying the same product and not evaluating other product options or other brands.

Promotion Mix

The general name give to the four major methods marketers have for promoting their products that include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations.

Promotional Pricing

5 based on 1 reviews
A form of sales promotion and a form of special pricing program, used in both consumer and business markets, that is designed to increase product demand by offering a short-term price reduction (i.e., sale price).