Rack Jobber (also Service Merchandiser)
Wholesale format represented by distributors that are assigned and manage space (i.e., racks) within retail stores including managing inventory, setting price and developing promotions.
Agents (also Brokers)
A specialty service firm found within a marketer's channel of distribution that, for a fee, works to bring the marketer together with buyers.
Co-op Advertising (also Advertising Support Program)
A form of trade sales promotion where a marketer offers channel members some level of financial support for including the marketer's products in channel member's advertising.
Distribution Center
A type of warehouse where product storage is a temporary activity with products being received from many suppliers and then quickly shipped to many customers.
Image Advertising
A type of advertising that focuses on enhancing the perceived image of the organization rather than promoting specific products.
A markup pricing method in which markup is viewed as a percentage by which initial price is set above product cost and is determined by multiplying the cost of each item by a predetermined percentage then adding the result to the product's cost.
Personal Interview
Method of data collection, often associated with Qualitative Research, that allows researchers to talk one-on-one with a respondent thus providing the opportunity to dig deeper and find out additional details that may not be available through other methods.
Quantity Discounts
A form of standard price adjustment offering buyers an incentive of lower per-unit pricing when more products are purchased.
Advocacy Advertising
A type of advertising intended to influence a target audience on some matter, such as political or social issue, that also impacts the marketing organization.
Consumable Product
The main good, service or idea the customer is buying when a purchase is made (e.g., the paste within a toothpaste product).

Key component of the marketer's toolkit that represents decisions on the activities and strategies needed for the exchange and movement of products (goods or services) between the marketing company and the final customer.
In marketing this represents a type of product that consists of the marketer attempting to convince customers to alter their existing behavior or perception on some issue.
Markup Pricing
A cost pricing method used to set a product's initial price by applying a certain percentage to the cost of the product either through a Markup-on-Cost method or a Markup-on-Selling Price method.
Peripheral Stakeholders
Represent groups, such religious organizations, community activists, and cause supporters, that are part of a marketing organization's external forces but that may not routinely impact the marketer unless specific issues arise.
Quantitative Data Collection
Research approach that is at the heart of scientific research where numbers are used to measure or evaluate variables being studied and enabling the use of statistical analysis to offer potentially more supportable conclusions.
Advertising Clutter (also Promotional Clutter)
A concept in advertising (and promotion in general) that suggests that the existence of a large number of advertising messages within media outlets (e.g., television, newspaper, radio, etc.) makes it difficult for viewers to recognize and remember specific messages (e.g., ad for specific brand).