Open Panel List

Late Majority

The fourth category within the Diffusion of Innovation consisting of up to one-third of the overall market who are primarily characterized as preferring to take a wait-and-see approach before trying something new.

Final Customer Packaging

The package containing the purchased product the final customer receives in exchange for payment.


A component of the external influences on consumer buying behavior that represents the behavior, beliefs and way people act learned through interaction and observation of other members of society.

Business-to-Business Selling

A type of account management selling where salespeople sell products to be used by a business and do so with the intention of being involved in additional transactions as the relationship between the buyer and seller grows.

Scent Marketing

The intentional use of olfactory elements, such as an odor or fragrance, for the purpose of enhancing customers' experience with a product.

New Task Purchase

4 based on 1 reviews
A type of business purchase decision faced by buyers considering an important purchase but one the buyer has never or rarely made before and, consequently, will devote considerable time evaluating alternatives.


A component of the internal influences on consumer buying behavior that represents what a person values out of life by the activities they engage in and the interests they express.

Fixed Costs

An important component in determining the cost of a product, these represent costs the marketing organization incurs for a product regardless of level of production or sales.


A person or organization that a marketer believes will benefit from the products offered by the marketer's organization and includes Existing Customers, Former Customers and Potential Customers.

Buying Center

Consists of those within an organization that impact purchase decisions and includes those serving in the roles of buyer, decider, influencer, user, initiator and gatekeeper.

Second-Level Package

For some products this level of packaging surrounds the first-level package for the purpose of added protection or to serve as the primary package.

Product-Oriented Advertising

3.33 based on 3 reviews
A type of advertising directed toward the promotion of a specific product to a targeted audience.

Niche Marketing (also Concentrated Marketing)

A target marketing strategy that uses a single marketing strategy to appeal to one or more small sub-segments within a larger market segment.

Loss Leaders

A form of promotional price adjustment, primarily used by retailers to increase customer traffic, that intentionally prices select products at or below the cost the retailer pays to purchase the product from suppliers.

Focus Groups

Method of data collection, often associated with Qualitative Research, in which a group of respondents (generally numbering 8-12) are guided through discussion by a moderator in the hope that group interaction will stimulate comments that may not otherwise be elicited.

Customer Contact Points

The different methods a customer uses to communicate with a company such as in-person, by telephone, over the Internet, etc.